
Extract product detail page from Trendyol

Trendyol is a major e-commerce platform offering a wide range of products, including fashion, electronics, and home goods. It is one of the largest and most popular online shopping destinations in Turkey.

Scraping product detail pages from Trendyol allows users to compile a structured list of detailed information about each product, including their names, prices, total reviews, ratings, and product specifications. This data can be invaluable for market researchers, e-commerce businesses, and consumers looking to compare products and prices.

Use Cases:

  • Market Research: Aggregate data on product details to analyze market trends, identify popular products, and understand pricing strategies.
  • Price Comparison: Monitor prices and ratings to find the best deals and compare products across different categories.
  • Inventory Management: Keep track of product availability, reviews, and ratings to manage inventory effectively.
  • Content Creation: Generate content for blogs, articles, or reports by extracting detailed information about various products.

Integrate this robot with Google Sheets, Airtable, or Zapier to automate data collection and streamline your workflow. This allows for easy data management and further analysis.

Using this prebuilt robot to scrape product detail pages from Trendyol provides a streamlined way to gather comprehensive data on products, helping users stay informed and make data-driven decisions.

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