
Extract hotels list info from Expedia

This prebuilt robot is for easily extracting hotel information from Expedia. It helps you gather important data and find the ideal accommodations, such as the hotel's name, link, location, amenities, summary of prices, rating, reviews, and image URL.

Using this prebuilt robot, you can extract posts and save the data in a Google Sheet or download it as a CSV file. Additionally, you can integrate this prebuilt robot with Zapier or Pabbly to automate your workflow and ensure you never miss relevant data.

Use Cases:

  • Sentiment analysis: Analyze the sentiment of comments to understand the overall opinion on a particular topic or product.
  • Market research: Extract comments about your brand or industry to gain insights into customer preferences, pain points, and trends.
  • Social listening: Monitor discussions on Reddit to stay updated on the latest news, events, and public sentiment.
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