How Browse AI works

With Browse AI you can transform any website into a live data pipeline by:
1- Point and click to train a robot to extract the data you need.
2- Connect the robot to Zapier to trigger automated workflows.
3- Activate monitoring to keep your data up to date.

Zapier web scraper

Browse AI's Zapier integration makes pulling website data into your favorite apps effortless.
Extract and structure the data you need from any website, and seamlessly connect it to thousands of applications through Zapier's automation platform.

Transform websites into automated workflows in minutes

Browse AI is the leading data extraction and monitoring tool to scrape, automate, and monitor web data accurately at scale.

Extract any data from any website

Use Browse AI's powerful web scraper to extract text, prices, images, tables, and more from any webpage with no code.

Turn web data into actionable insights

Send extracted data to analytics tools, visualization platforms, or LLMs to transform raw web information into business intelligence automatically.

Access data behind logins

With authentication capabilities, our robots can log into secure websites using your credentials and extract critical information that's not publicly accessible.

Multi-page extraction that scales

Need data from multiple pages? Set up workflows to capture data across multiple pages across one website and send it all to your automation.

Create powerful multi-app workflows

Build end-to-end automations that extract web data and route it through multiple applications - from spreadsheets to CRMs to email platforms to AI tools, all running automatically.

Get instant notifications across platforms

Receive alerts via Slack, Discord, email, SMS, or any messaging platform when important web data changes, without writing a single line of code.

Error-free automation

Our AI ensures your data stays accurate, even if websites update their design or structure.

7,000+ integrations

Connect the data you extract with 7,000+ apps and tools through Zapier's powerful platform.

How to scrape data from any website and send it to other apps with Zapier

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Extract data from billions of websites and automate your workflows, including:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up the Browse AI Zapier integration?

Sign up for a free account with Browse AI. Once signed up, create your first robot using our point and click interface to extract the data you need.

To connect with Zapier, you can either start from Browse AI (go to your robot's Integrate tab and select the Zapier tile) or from Zapier (visit the Browse AI and Zapier integration page). Choose your robot from the dropdown menu, select your trigger event (such as monitor detected changes, task completion, successful task completion, or failed task completion), and then connect to your desired app and map the data fields.

Can I get started with the Zapier integration for free?

Yes. The Zapier integration is available on all Browse AI plans, including the free plan. You'll also need a Zapier account (free or paid) to create your automations.

What trigger events can I use with the Zapier integration?

You can choose from several trigger events:

  • Monitor detected changes (when your robot detects changes on a monitored website)
  • Task completion (success or error)
  • Successful task completion only
  • Failed task completion only

This flexibility lets you create targeted automations based on specific extraction outcomes.

How often does my Zapier workflow update when my robot extracts new data?

Your Zapier workflow triggers automatically each time your robot runs and the selected trigger event occurs. Set up monitors for your robot to run on hourly, daily, or weekly schedules to automate regular data flows.

Is the Zapier integration available on all Browse AI plans?

Yes, the Zapier integration is available on all Browse AI plans, including the Free plan. There are no additional charges for using this integration beyond your regular plan's credit usage for running robots.

Can I run my Browse AI robots directly from Zapier?

Yes, you can trigger Browse AI robots to run using Zapier. Using Zapier's Chrome extension or other trigger apps, you can set up Zaps that trigger your Browse AI robots to extract data on demand.

How can I set up deep scraping automation with Zapier?

You can connect multiple Browse AI robots through Zapier to create powerful deep scraping workflows. For example, Robot A extracts product URLs from category pages, Zapier sends each URL to Robot B, and Robot B extracts detailed product information. Just be careful to avoid creating infinite loops by ensuring robots don't trigger themselves.

What data can I send from Browse AI to other apps through Zapier?

Any data that your Browse AI robot extracts can be sent to other applications through Zapier. This includes text, numbers, URLs, dates, and more. Zapier helps you map these data fields to the appropriate fields in your target application.

How secure is the connection between Browse AI and Zapier?

The connection is highly secure. Browse AI uses secure authentication methods, and all data transfers are encrypted. We never store your Zapier credentials, and you can disconnect the integration at any time through your account settings.

How do I troubleshoot issues with my Browse AI and Zapier integration?

If you're experiencing issues, verify your Browse AI account is properly connected in Zapier, ensure your robot has run successfully at least once, check that all required fields are mapped correctly, and monitor your Zapier task history for any errors.

Can I filter the data that gets sent from Browse AI to my other apps?

Yes, Zapier provides filtering options that allow you to set conditions for when your Zap should run. For example, you could set up a filter to only send notifications when prices drop below a certain threshold or when new products matching specific criteria appear.

Can I send data from multiple robots to different applications?

Absolutely. You can create separate Zaps for each robot, directing data to different applications based on your needs. This allows for complex automation workflows where different types of extracted data trigger various actions across your tech stack.

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