7,000+ ways to integrate web data

Transform web data into data pipelines you can integrate and automate (almost) anywhere

Our point and click integrations make it easy to send, automate, and trigger the capture of web data where you need it.
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Google Sheets

Scrape web data into a Google Sheet and keep it up to date automatically with monitors.
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Extract web data from any website to your Airtable base and create automations, and workflows.
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Create a trigger based on the data you extract, run up to 50K tasks and more with over 7K apps. 
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Connect with 2K+ applications to create automations and triggers to scrape or manage web data.
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Create custom workflows and integrate web data into the apps your already use - make an API call, run a task, and more.
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Transform web data into production-ready APIs in minutes.
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Connect your data where you want it with customized webhooks.
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Scrape web data and automatically send it to ChatGPT via our Zapier integration.
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Anthropic (Claude)

Scrape web data and integrate it into Anthropic via our Zapier integration.
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Download web data into a CSV or automate real-time data extraction via our Zapier integration.
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Connect your data extractions with 20+ million automations for 1200 apps.
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JSON file

Export as a JSON file in 1GB or 100mb fragments.

Looking for a custom integration? Book a consultation call.

While our no-code platform makes it easy to extract, monitor, and integrate web data - for data extraction projects that are complex or large we offer managed services with our Premium Plan.

Here’s what to expect:
1. Connect with our experts so we can learn more about your needs.
2. You'll get sample data for feedback and review.
3. We work with you to align on scope, scale, and delivery options.
4. You'll get a customized quote.
5. Have your live data pipeline as quickly as 7 business days.

We proudly partner with startups, large enterprises, consulting firms, and tech companies to fuel their data pipelines reliably at scale.
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