Fueled for growth. Pre-Seed Announcement.

Jeffrey Jewett
January 26, 2022

Browse AI was launched to the public in September 2021. Since then we have added thousands of users, hundreds of paying customers, and have invested heavily in our product.

We set a goal of raising a pre-seed round in Q1 2022 and we accomplished this goal in January. That’s why we’re writing this post; It’s a celebration! We never expected things to move this quickly, but we’re buckled in and ready for the ride.

This milestone is a validation of our vision and is only possible because people like you took a chance on us. We recognize that there are endless amounts of tools and resources in the world, yet you still chose us. We don’t take that for granted, and won’t let you down.

Why are people turning to Browse AI? It’s simple. That’s it, end of statement. Well, that and the robot is pretty charming.

We’re ready to put our investors' money to work and are doubling down on simplicity this year. How? By focusing on doing one thing really well: building the simplest way to extract and monitor data on ANY website. Over the next few months we are going to be launching all new workflows, enhancing the robot, and making things easier than ever.

In order to revolutionize a legacy industry, like data extraction, we have had to rethink the entire experience from the ground up. We have some tricks up our sleeves, but are ready to bring more magicians in to help us make a spectacular project. If you are interested in joining our team, check out our job listings HERE.

We appreciate your support and are stoked to have you joining us on this journey.

Buckle up!

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